My family and I were driving to Greenville this morning and stopped at a red light at a major 4 way intersection that was being occupied by a church group looking for hand-outs. I'm not sure what the cause was or even what church they were representing, but I did read "church" on one of their buckets. Does anyone appreciate these opportunities to give? Because if people are looking for an opportunity to give some money, but haven't found the time or avenue to act out this desire, then this form of panhandling might have it's purpose. But I would think people with this desire would be in the minority. So is this technique for raising money honoring to Jesus? And is God in need of "guilt money"? (which is what I think they were collecting).
First I need to state that I love the idea of giving to charity, church, and Christ honoring ministries. I feel it is not only something we need to do, but something we should want to do as well. It is the best defense from keeping money from turning into a god (or an idol). The easiest way to give money away is to give credit to God for supplying it in the first place. But at the same time ,we are commanded to be good stewards with our money. So when should we give and when should we keep?
I think charity should be done out of love, compassion, and sympathy but never out of guilt. I'm convinced that God doesn't need money, and that God doesn't motivate through guilt. Charity is a gift from God, both to the people in need as well as (if not more for) the people who are giving. America unfortunately is in a time of the "Prosperity Gospel", which sells Jesus as the provider of health and wealth if the person obeys His commands. To me, wealth is the god in this message! It is not the Gospel! But with this idolatry in our churches today, it only makes sence that people are mislead about giving and the motivation behind it.
To me, the offering plate at church is not much different than the people standing at the intersection this morning. I wonder how much "guilt money" ends up in those plates on any given Sunday morning. We have gone from an individual placing an offering on their knees at the alter of the Lord, to dropping an envelope in a plate passed down the aisle. I use to be one of the people handing these plates out in a church service. I remember the college kids, as well as occational adults, who didn't have money to put in the plate. Their eyes told their story. They wanted me to know their reasonable explanation, but they knew they couldn't explain. Guilt and shame was very evident. And I've been guilty of these looks and feelings as well, in addition to feeling prideful when people happened to see me during the times when I did drop that envelope in the plate. This can't be God's plan! Publicly giving to God has to generate thoughts that aren't God honoring. I wish the church would rethink this issue of offering and come up with an enviroment where people could give their money (or not) to God in such a way that is free of public pride or public shame. Pride and shame are not from God!
But the church does have a big disadvantage when it comes to money. The preachers can not teach about tithing without producing some negative attitudes. The church leaders are perceived as the God's beneficiaries, so of course they want people to give to God. So let me say, as someone who is not in the ministry, that giving to God through Christ honoring ministries, with a modivation of love, is a blessing in itself. The Bible does promise rewards for people with this faithfulness of giving, but contrary to the "prosperity gospel", God's intent behind these financial blessings is not to make people wealthy, but to give people the resources to provide charity. So the churches of Jesus need to try and keep our money where God intended to be: Behind us and Him, not between.
Just because I mentioned it in this post, I'll post John Piper's video of his opinion of the Prosperity Gospel. This video is tough to watch, but it is from a Baptist minister who is very passionate about Jesus, and someone I admire as a preacher of Christ.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
David Cook
Friends, here's the new winner of American Idol! If he can make Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie songs this cool, then he's unbeatable! The rest of the show is just about who's coming in second. Of course, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Paris in the
the Springtime !
I'm curious to know if anyone has a problem with this statement. Read it carefully! Do we always see things the way they actually are?
Paris in the
the Springtime !
I'm curious to know if anyone has a problem with this statement. Read it carefully! Do we always see things the way they actually are?
Saturday, March 22, 2008
The foundation
Some statistic somewhere is stating that half of all marriages in the U.S. are ending in divorce. This is apparently true of people both in and out of a church membership. So is this at least leaving half the marriages as a success story? I don't think we can assume that all the couples that end up staying together are living happily-ever-after either. So why is the marriage relationship seem such a natural union but at the same time seem so tough and unnatural on our emotions? What's God's plan for marriage?
"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh." (Gen 2:24).
The Bible teaches that God puts great importance on marriage. Divorce is one of the few things God hates! (Malachi 2:16). I'm becoming more and more convinced that God might want us to put our marriage relationship even before our relationship with Him. I'm sure that opinion will stir some controversy, but let me try and explain myself and let me assure everyone that I'm not claiming this as Biblical fact, just my opinion.
I'm going to speak from experience first. You cannot read to much into my Blog without realizing I'm one of those "Jesus freaks." But I'm fortunate, in a way, to have lived a large part of my life as a "Greg freak" also. In otherwords, I loved me some Greg before Christ entered my life. So I'm pretty aware of the Christian and the non-Christian perception of marriage. The Christian side of marriage is easier, but still not automatic either. It's this Christian view of our relationship that made me realize God wants the marriage to be first over all (this statement does not apply at all to single people, their first priority should be to God). I enjoy church, Sunday school, and group Bible studies. But I find when Angela and I are in a fight, those places are almost the last place I want to be! If we are fighting on Tuesday, I start thinking about how Sunday morning is going to feel at church, because I know if we are not "one", then worship will seem fake. It is like God is telling me that if Angela and I are apart emotionally, then "our" heart required for worshiping God is incomplete and therefore not honoring Him. That's where I derive my opinion of marriage being priority one in God's eyes.
This theory of mine is not the cure all for the marriage relationship, but it puts the priority on the foundation of marriage. The marriage should be the most important relationship in a husband and wife's life. Friends, parents, children, work, entertainment, (and possible God) should not be put between or ahead of the relationship. And it is imperative that there is no divorce option. When the thought or threat of divorce lingers, the marriage is on shaky ground. One of the best metaphors I've heard for the marriage relationship is the husband and wife are locked together in a house with no key to the doors, the windows are all barred up, and there is no way out! Your stuck with you spouse of choice forever! You can spend time apart in other rooms, but you can not leave the house. When this mentallity is accepted by both the husband and the wife, then the realization of a life of misery turns into the modivation to work together towards happiness rather than work together for the escape route. You can no more disclaim you spouse than you can your child, they're yours forever. That's "becoming one flesh." That's God's plan for marriage! That's the foundational plan of marriage that will honor God, produce emotionally healthy happy children, and cultivate a relationship that's capable of receiving God's blessings of love, passion, intimacy, security, and respect. And the foundation is crutial, but it's just the beginning.
"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh." (Gen 2:24).
The Bible teaches that God puts great importance on marriage. Divorce is one of the few things God hates! (Malachi 2:16). I'm becoming more and more convinced that God might want us to put our marriage relationship even before our relationship with Him. I'm sure that opinion will stir some controversy, but let me try and explain myself and let me assure everyone that I'm not claiming this as Biblical fact, just my opinion.
I'm going to speak from experience first. You cannot read to much into my Blog without realizing I'm one of those "Jesus freaks." But I'm fortunate, in a way, to have lived a large part of my life as a "Greg freak" also. In otherwords, I loved me some Greg before Christ entered my life. So I'm pretty aware of the Christian and the non-Christian perception of marriage. The Christian side of marriage is easier, but still not automatic either. It's this Christian view of our relationship that made me realize God wants the marriage to be first over all (this statement does not apply at all to single people, their first priority should be to God). I enjoy church, Sunday school, and group Bible studies. But I find when Angela and I are in a fight, those places are almost the last place I want to be! If we are fighting on Tuesday, I start thinking about how Sunday morning is going to feel at church, because I know if we are not "one", then worship will seem fake. It is like God is telling me that if Angela and I are apart emotionally, then "our" heart required for worshiping God is incomplete and therefore not honoring Him. That's where I derive my opinion of marriage being priority one in God's eyes.
This theory of mine is not the cure all for the marriage relationship, but it puts the priority on the foundation of marriage. The marriage should be the most important relationship in a husband and wife's life. Friends, parents, children, work, entertainment, (and possible God) should not be put between or ahead of the relationship. And it is imperative that there is no divorce option. When the thought or threat of divorce lingers, the marriage is on shaky ground. One of the best metaphors I've heard for the marriage relationship is the husband and wife are locked together in a house with no key to the doors, the windows are all barred up, and there is no way out! Your stuck with you spouse of choice forever! You can spend time apart in other rooms, but you can not leave the house. When this mentallity is accepted by both the husband and the wife, then the realization of a life of misery turns into the modivation to work together towards happiness rather than work together for the escape route. You can no more disclaim you spouse than you can your child, they're yours forever. That's "becoming one flesh." That's God's plan for marriage! That's the foundational plan of marriage that will honor God, produce emotionally healthy happy children, and cultivate a relationship that's capable of receiving God's blessings of love, passion, intimacy, security, and respect. And the foundation is crutial, but it's just the beginning.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Who's the monkey?

Realistically, I might be the bird on the outside....but I'm the monkey in my heart.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Me and Oprah like "The Shack"
One of my favorite books, as I point out in my “profile” to the left of this Blog, is the book called “The Shack.” It was recommended to me by a friend of mine that has given me a number of books that have helped me to draw closer to Christ. “The Shack” was no exception. The one thing not lacking today is the amount of people writing, talking, and debating about this book. The latest stir is that Oprah is lumping it together with her endorsement of the book “A Course in Miracles”, which is apparently New Age. I have not found a lot of information to support this claim, but proof is not needed to express the point I want to try and make. I’m going to try and write this post without pushing the book on people or pushing the book away from people. I’m just going to try to share my frustration with the fact that fear has (and continues) to inhibit the Christian walk with God.
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom..” (Proverbs 9:10). Fear is good. It draws the unbeliever closer to the Creator. On the other hand, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4: 18). So the unbeliever’s “fear of God” should change to a “love for God” after a saving faith in Christ has been accepted (and/or administered). I say all this to point out my opinion of how the church has pushed a fear-based agenda so much that it has become a deterrent to both the believers and non-believers in this world.
The church has pushed sin and punishment on non-believers pretty hard. Scripture makes it clear the cost of not accepting Jesus, and we’ve done our job in making that clear as well. But scripture also makes it clear that Christ came to give a life more abundant through God’s free gift of salvation. When I was a non-believer (not too long ago) I remember thinking that if God was sending me to hell, I was at least going to go there my way. I had God pegged as someone who wanted me unhappy for His sake. I was misled! Fear eventually did draw me to Jesus, but I wonder if love could have drawn me there earlier. Alcohol, drugs, and sex are quick and temporary fixes for people’s insecurities. To me that’s why kids turn to these vices, to be set free from their prison of insecurity. Guilt, shame, and self-obsession will lead people to some form of escape. I think “The Shack” can help people see God as more than an old bearded white man in a robe, sitting on the big judge’s seat in the sky. But instead, see God as the original author who whispered to John the verse we’ve numbered 3:16, which is the ultimate escape route from our insecurities.
The preaching of sin and punishment has also affected the believers in the church. The difference is our sin might not be so much about the sins that make the headlines, but more about our lack of discipline and desire to please God. Many are convinced that we “need” to read the Bible, go to church, witness, love others, and pray. And without these actions, punishment from God will soon come our way. This mentality is fear based. Love for Jesus will lead a person to these “Spiritual disciplines” not just to please God, but to learn to love God more, to acquire more of what feels good (similar to feeding a negative addiction). When we feel we’ll be punished, we will tend to think the inevitable tragic events in our lives are punishment from God. And who wants to worship a God that does not protect the life of a six-year-old girl abducted by a serial killer? Especially when the family is God-fearing Christians who attended church regularly (this is a reference to ”The Shack”). If there are Christians out there who can answer this question with a peace that surpasses all understanding, then they don’t need to read “The Shack”. But I’m sure there are Christians who don’t truly know what Paul was implying when he wrote “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Roman 8:28) For those people, I would recommend searching for answers both in Scripture and in “The Shack”, because this understanding of God and His nature is essential in the Christian walk.
So if Oprah is endorsing “The Shack”, then I say that’s a good thing. If Oprah is not a Christian and she is promoting Christ on her show then I’ll echo the words of Paul again “But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.” (Phil 1: 18). I could try and address more specific accusations of this book, but I’ve found much smarter people than me have already done that. I’ll use the comment section of this post to link anyone who’s interested to the reviews that try to expose this book as heresy and the ones that defend this book as a blessing from God.
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom..” (Proverbs 9:10). Fear is good. It draws the unbeliever closer to the Creator. On the other hand, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4: 18). So the unbeliever’s “fear of God” should change to a “love for God” after a saving faith in Christ has been accepted (and/or administered). I say all this to point out my opinion of how the church has pushed a fear-based agenda so much that it has become a deterrent to both the believers and non-believers in this world.
The church has pushed sin and punishment on non-believers pretty hard. Scripture makes it clear the cost of not accepting Jesus, and we’ve done our job in making that clear as well. But scripture also makes it clear that Christ came to give a life more abundant through God’s free gift of salvation. When I was a non-believer (not too long ago) I remember thinking that if God was sending me to hell, I was at least going to go there my way. I had God pegged as someone who wanted me unhappy for His sake. I was misled! Fear eventually did draw me to Jesus, but I wonder if love could have drawn me there earlier. Alcohol, drugs, and sex are quick and temporary fixes for people’s insecurities. To me that’s why kids turn to these vices, to be set free from their prison of insecurity. Guilt, shame, and self-obsession will lead people to some form of escape. I think “The Shack” can help people see God as more than an old bearded white man in a robe, sitting on the big judge’s seat in the sky. But instead, see God as the original author who whispered to John the verse we’ve numbered 3:16, which is the ultimate escape route from our insecurities.
The preaching of sin and punishment has also affected the believers in the church. The difference is our sin might not be so much about the sins that make the headlines, but more about our lack of discipline and desire to please God. Many are convinced that we “need” to read the Bible, go to church, witness, love others, and pray. And without these actions, punishment from God will soon come our way. This mentality is fear based. Love for Jesus will lead a person to these “Spiritual disciplines” not just to please God, but to learn to love God more, to acquire more of what feels good (similar to feeding a negative addiction). When we feel we’ll be punished, we will tend to think the inevitable tragic events in our lives are punishment from God. And who wants to worship a God that does not protect the life of a six-year-old girl abducted by a serial killer? Especially when the family is God-fearing Christians who attended church regularly (this is a reference to ”The Shack”). If there are Christians out there who can answer this question with a peace that surpasses all understanding, then they don’t need to read “The Shack”. But I’m sure there are Christians who don’t truly know what Paul was implying when he wrote “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Roman 8:28) For those people, I would recommend searching for answers both in Scripture and in “The Shack”, because this understanding of God and His nature is essential in the Christian walk.
So if Oprah is endorsing “The Shack”, then I say that’s a good thing. If Oprah is not a Christian and she is promoting Christ on her show then I’ll echo the words of Paul again “But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.” (Phil 1: 18). I could try and address more specific accusations of this book, but I’ve found much smarter people than me have already done that. I’ll use the comment section of this post to link anyone who’s interested to the reviews that try to expose this book as heresy and the ones that defend this book as a blessing from God.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Run Dave...Run
Who isn't captured by a Cinderella story? Rocky, The Karate Kid, Rudy, Buster Douglas, the 1980 US. hockey team, and this year's New York Giants. Everyone roots for the underdog. So let me set the stage for the latest individual to "dream the impossible dream." Dave, my brother-in-law, is in training for the April 10K Cooper River Bridge Run. His training regime has been intense to say the least, with the treadmill's incline set to it's maximum! He's still yet to hit the one mile mark, but he feels confident that mile stone will be surpassed soon. And as any runner knows, there is an exponential growth in endurance after the one mile plato is reached. So two weeks is more than enough time for Dave to train his heart and lungs to keep his leg muscles adequately supplied with the required blood and oxygen (for 6.2 miles). So why, you may ask, is this a Cinderella story? Well to the people who know Dave, it's not. We've seen the effects of his training (we'd be blind not to). We know his desire and passion for intense exercise and heated competition. But the city of Charleston does not know Dave the way we do! So I'm sure he will not be the odds-on-favorite to the so called "experts." So the potential Cinderella story is in place. A famous quote from the classic movie "Chariots of Fire" reminds me so much of Dave and his need to run. When asked "why run?", the main character Eric Liddel said.. "God made me fast, and when I run, I feel His pleasure." .. Well God made you fast too Dave! .....So run Dave!...Run!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
3/16 = 3:16
Weird title I know (3/16 = 3:16). This is my first entry in what I hope turns into a regular weekly post. I'm trying to see if the internet can be used as a useful Bible study tool. I'm encouraging the Sunday school class I'm attending to join me in a sneak peek at our weekly lessons. Sunday school always seems to me to be lacking just a little. What I mean by that is Sunday mornings always seem so hectic that by the time people actually get settled in the class room environment they are not quite ready to "open up" the way a good study of God's word requires. Usually mid-way through the class people get relaxed enough to join in conversation and share their thoughts. And unfortunately by the time the class is over, we've just got to the part where we are really getting to the "good stuff." This attempt of an internet (or e-mail) connection to the class during the week is hopefully going to be able to close the gap between the hectic Sunday morning and the "good stuff."
This is by no means an attempt to steal the lessons from our teacher. Mark (our leader and teacher) has the unique ability to make a Sunday school classroom relaxed and comfortable. That's something I tried to do when I taught, but my nervousness and lack of confidence created a much more uncomforatable environment (especially for me). Mark's love for Jesus and his meek and kind nature are key ingredients in leading a group of believers. So hopefully Mark will continue his lessons as usual, but I hope we as students and as believers can be so wrapped up in God's word by Sunday morning that we will be eagerly waiting to jump right into the "good stuff."
Now about my title (3/16 = 3:16). Am I just some super code-cracker or did anyone else notice that the date of the lesson is 3/16 and the Bible verses are John 3:16 and 1 John 3:16?...weird huh? The verses deal a lot about love...the quote in the front cover of out lesson guide by Mother Teresa says "There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread." I'd say she put action to her do most believers in Christ's church today compare to Mother Teresa?..are we missing something?
This is by no means an attempt to steal the lessons from our teacher. Mark (our leader and teacher) has the unique ability to make a Sunday school classroom relaxed and comfortable. That's something I tried to do when I taught, but my nervousness and lack of confidence created a much more uncomforatable environment (especially for me). Mark's love for Jesus and his meek and kind nature are key ingredients in leading a group of believers. So hopefully Mark will continue his lessons as usual, but I hope we as students and as believers can be so wrapped up in God's word by Sunday morning that we will be eagerly waiting to jump right into the "good stuff."
Now about my title (3/16 = 3:16). Am I just some super code-cracker or did anyone else notice that the date of the lesson is 3/16 and the Bible verses are John 3:16 and 1 John 3:16?...weird huh? The verses deal a lot about love...the quote in the front cover of out lesson guide by Mother Teresa says "There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread." I'd say she put action to her do most believers in Christ's church today compare to Mother Teresa?..are we missing something?
Monday, March 10, 2008
Favorite book of the Bible
If I had to pick, I would say my favorite book of the Bible is Ecclesiastes. Every time I look up a reference passage or turn to this book for a quick read, I end up reading the whole book. I don't know if "favorite" is the right word for this attraction because books like Romans, John, Ephesians (and the list goes on and on) all have their own reasons to be my favorite. Maybe I just relate to Ecclesiastes the best. In this book Solomon writes about all his dream chasing. All Solomon's accomplishments and failures (under the sun) are shown to be meaningless! "Meaningless" is the common theme throughout the book. Work, wealth, and pleasures (like wine and food) are things we all chase and based off of Solomon's experiences, we are wasting our time. I don't think Solomon is advising us to give up completely on these goals, but to not pursue these goals as the "missing ingredients" of our lives. He learned that they are not the missing ingredients at all. Rather he found they did not bring true fulfillment, and he had the power and wealth to really put this theory to the test. I relate because I chased these desires myself (and if I'm honest...I still do to some extent). Although the chase itself can be kinda fun, it helps to realise the rewards of work, wealth, and pleasure are not the missing piece of our heart's puzzle.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
the 80's
I was watching some 1980's music videos with my seven year old daughter (Carley) Saturday morning on the VH-1 classics channel. After a few videos, she asked me if they were trying to be funny with their music!... I tried to explain to her that these were classics and "No" they weren't trying to be funny. So after she and I continued watching some more videos, she turned to me again and asked "are they trying to be funny with their hair?"... I think she had me there.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Where's God?
I had someone recently ask my Christian opinion of what I thought when people make comments like "God was with us to protect us through the tornado hitting our house." Although this sound like a nice and grateful shout-out to a loving God, the question that this comment poses is "where was God when other people perished in the same tornado?" A good question. To claim that God was not capable of saving everyone puts limits on His abilities. And to say God is selective in His love and mercy is to claim that He is not an all loving God. Not characteristics too worthy of praise and worship and not characteristics of the God of the Bible. I believe the Bible reveals an ALL knowing, ALL powerful, and ALL loving creator. So I think the problem is not in asking "where was God" but in claiming that God is protecting only a few chosen people. So "where was God?" is the question I will attempt to tackle. Keeping this tornado scenario as an example I try to present a series of events where trajegy and good fortune both occur within the presence and control of a Holy God.
Sin is a tough concept to understand because all humanity has been so wrapped up in the sinful nature that it is hard to see it as the disease it truly is. The distructive nature of sin is the only reason we suffer, struggle, and eventually die. It is easier for me to understand sin when I view it as selfish pride rather than just wrong doing. All sin is originated in pride. I view the "fall of man" as God's creation being so well made that we ended up falling in love with ourselves more than our creator. Dog owners can understand a glimpse of this broken relationship when we think of a stuborn dog who disobeys his master even when the master provides all the dog's needs. The dog's self reliance is a deterant in the loving relationship. We are not dogs and God is definately not us, but it does make a close parallel.
So the Adam and Eve story sets the stage. Their self reliance was the deterant, so God let them (and us) live with that choice. The choice to live apart from God and on our own. Another parallel I want to add here is caring about a person with a drug addiction. Most people have seen loved ones get hook on some habit that would eventually lead them to destruction. You can try to help, but help will never truly come until the addicted person wants to change. Without this desire to change, the loved ones are forced to watch destruction run it's course, and break hearts along the way. God is watching our destruction run it's course, the destruction caused by sin!
I believe the origins of the tornado is another result of sin. In addition to God cursing the earth and all creation with Adam's sin, we can also determine (with a little Bible study) that there was no rain on earth before the flood and Noah's ark. And the rain and flood was brought about because the sinful nature of man at that time was so rampent ("God's heart was filled with pain." Gen 6:6). I believe this flood brought about the earth's weather patterns and their destructive tendencies. So the flood actually saved the human race from itself, but as a result, brought about the possibilities of tornados.
All this to say that if God is all knowing, powerful, and loving, He must watch our self destruction with a "..heart filled with pain" again. Is He wanting that tornado to rip through the house and distroys lives? Is He ignoring the parents on their knees in prayer for their child being distroyed by cancer? Is He rejoicing at the criminal getting a life sentence? or is He trying (and succeeding) to gently and lovingly guide His creation back to the place where destruction ceases to exist?...
And finally, if sin is the bad new...guess what the "Good News" is?
Sin is a tough concept to understand because all humanity has been so wrapped up in the sinful nature that it is hard to see it as the disease it truly is. The distructive nature of sin is the only reason we suffer, struggle, and eventually die. It is easier for me to understand sin when I view it as selfish pride rather than just wrong doing. All sin is originated in pride. I view the "fall of man" as God's creation being so well made that we ended up falling in love with ourselves more than our creator. Dog owners can understand a glimpse of this broken relationship when we think of a stuborn dog who disobeys his master even when the master provides all the dog's needs. The dog's self reliance is a deterant in the loving relationship. We are not dogs and God is definately not us, but it does make a close parallel.
So the Adam and Eve story sets the stage. Their self reliance was the deterant, so God let them (and us) live with that choice. The choice to live apart from God and on our own. Another parallel I want to add here is caring about a person with a drug addiction. Most people have seen loved ones get hook on some habit that would eventually lead them to destruction. You can try to help, but help will never truly come until the addicted person wants to change. Without this desire to change, the loved ones are forced to watch destruction run it's course, and break hearts along the way. God is watching our destruction run it's course, the destruction caused by sin!
I believe the origins of the tornado is another result of sin. In addition to God cursing the earth and all creation with Adam's sin, we can also determine (with a little Bible study) that there was no rain on earth before the flood and Noah's ark. And the rain and flood was brought about because the sinful nature of man at that time was so rampent ("God's heart was filled with pain." Gen 6:6). I believe this flood brought about the earth's weather patterns and their destructive tendencies. So the flood actually saved the human race from itself, but as a result, brought about the possibilities of tornados.
All this to say that if God is all knowing, powerful, and loving, He must watch our self destruction with a "..heart filled with pain" again. Is He wanting that tornado to rip through the house and distroys lives? Is He ignoring the parents on their knees in prayer for their child being distroyed by cancer? Is He rejoicing at the criminal getting a life sentence? or is He trying (and succeeding) to gently and lovingly guide His creation back to the place where destruction ceases to exist?...
And finally, if sin is the bad new...guess what the "Good News" is?
No one likes a quitter....Favre!
In September 1992 I began my new life as a married man. In September 1992 Brett Favre began his new life as the starting quarterback for the Green Bay Packers. This has turned out to be a pretty good turning point in my history. I hope Favre's career hasn't been the glue that's been holding my marriage together, but we'll get to put that to the test next season. In the past 15 years my wife has not know a football Sunday without her husband's great concern for Favre's on field performance. In that time she has also grown into quite the Packer fan (or maybe just a Favre fan). And speaking of Packer fans, I don't want to portray my Mom as one of those "paint your face green and yellow" Packer fanatics, but I'm pretty sure she was on the phone with Brett's Mom or possibly Deanna when Brett made his anouncement of retirement. She text messaged me the news before the internet got a hold of the story. She loves "her Brett"! Now she'll have to love "her Aaron Rogers" too!
Those die hard Packer fans will remember the post Favre seasons when an 8-8 record was a successful year. Since Farve, anything short of 10-6 was considered pitiful (and time to get a new head coach). Only time will tell if Sept. 1992 was the day God lifted His 24 year curse off of the Green Bay Packers, or if that was just the day Brett Favre got his chance to play quarterback!
Those die hard Packer fans will remember the post Favre seasons when an 8-8 record was a successful year. Since Farve, anything short of 10-6 was considered pitiful (and time to get a new head coach). Only time will tell if Sept. 1992 was the day God lifted His 24 year curse off of the Green Bay Packers, or if that was just the day Brett Favre got his chance to play quarterback!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Did Adam have to do push-ups?
As one of the many "victims" of the fast food industry, I have been diagnosed with high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Since I found out (after years of testing it) the complacent way of attacking this problem is ineffective, my choice was either to take a drug or exercise and eat right. I'm presently pursuing the latter. For about six months now I've been pretty consistantly living heathier. As I was driving home tonight I thought about Paul writting to Timothy about the benifits of physical training (1 Tim. 4: 8). He says it is of "some value" but alludes to the fact that it pales compared to spiritual training.
Rather than try to expound on this "spiritual training" Paul is referring to, I'll steer this topic in a weirder direction. Did Adam and Eve need to exercise? The "fall of man" as recorded in Genesis brought about this curse that the human race knows all too well. Whether or not you believe the account recorded in Genesis, you can not debate the fact that the human race leaves a little to be desired! So my argument would be that exercise is a result of Adam's sin and it is another part of the curse.
So if you didn't already hate SIN enough, you now can blame it for the fact that we can not enjoy (at least guilt free) a Big Mac supersized meal with a double apple pie chaser. And if you find yourself needing to exercise this Spring for health and/or vanity reasons, you can use your time during the warm-up and cool-down periods imagining a life where the benifits of physical (and Spiritual) exercise are fully administered at birth.
Rather than try to expound on this "spiritual training" Paul is referring to, I'll steer this topic in a weirder direction. Did Adam and Eve need to exercise? The "fall of man" as recorded in Genesis brought about this curse that the human race knows all too well. Whether or not you believe the account recorded in Genesis, you can not debate the fact that the human race leaves a little to be desired! So my argument would be that exercise is a result of Adam's sin and it is another part of the curse.
So if you didn't already hate SIN enough, you now can blame it for the fact that we can not enjoy (at least guilt free) a Big Mac supersized meal with a double apple pie chaser. And if you find yourself needing to exercise this Spring for health and/or vanity reasons, you can use your time during the warm-up and cool-down periods imagining a life where the benifits of physical (and Spiritual) exercise are fully administered at birth.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
The opening post
I've been reading friends' blogs for a few years now and I finally got hooked enough on the concept to start my own blog. I certainly don't feel I have anything that "needs" to be shared with the internet world, but I'm sure I'll develope some loyal readers (wife, kids, and Mom should be checking in from time to time). I think this blog is just a result of me searching for some form of entertainment other than TV or internet surfing. So with that said allow me to impress my wife and kids by posting some of their info on the World Wide Web:
My wife Angela is the love of my life! I truly feel like I knew her years before we ever meet. This is because she fit my preconceived thoughts and dreams of my perfect wife. She was a Proverbs 31 wife even before she or I knew of that description. I owe her more love and happiness than I have time to repay. I'll end up leaving this world in debt to her.
My oldest (and only) son Jacob, unlike my wife, has not fit into my preconceived thoughts and dreams of a son. He has far surpassed them. Jacob is more intelligent, handsome, athletic, kind, and humorous than any of my expectations. I already feel he has excelled ahead of me with his God given strengths and talents. It is an honor to be given the responsibility to raise this young man, and I look forward to being able to share in his successes.
Now about my daughter Carley. Everyone knows how a daughter can melt the heart of a dad. This has proved to be an understatement. My love for her and my desire to protect her is actually painful. I feel the type of heartaches that should only come with trajedies, but mine come with the knowledge that I will have to send her off into her own adult life someday. A life she must live in a very fallen world. I need to keep reminding myself she is God's child and not just mine. Fortunatelly for me she is smart, tough, and funny. This together with her natural beauty and God given faith gives her a real good fighting chance to shine in a tough world. But as any father knows, I'll always be here for her to the best of my abilities.
I've always wondered about the benifits of having a blog and I think this first post helps me to better understand. It is easier for me to post my thoughts than it is for me to express my thoughts (verbally). And with the world's access to this information, I can get the feeling (although it's false) of being world renowned! Look out Brad and comes Greg and Angela!
My wife Angela is the love of my life! I truly feel like I knew her years before we ever meet. This is because she fit my preconceived thoughts and dreams of my perfect wife. She was a Proverbs 31 wife even before she or I knew of that description. I owe her more love and happiness than I have time to repay. I'll end up leaving this world in debt to her.
My oldest (and only) son Jacob, unlike my wife, has not fit into my preconceived thoughts and dreams of a son. He has far surpassed them. Jacob is more intelligent, handsome, athletic, kind, and humorous than any of my expectations. I already feel he has excelled ahead of me with his God given strengths and talents. It is an honor to be given the responsibility to raise this young man, and I look forward to being able to share in his successes.
Now about my daughter Carley. Everyone knows how a daughter can melt the heart of a dad. This has proved to be an understatement. My love for her and my desire to protect her is actually painful. I feel the type of heartaches that should only come with trajedies, but mine come with the knowledge that I will have to send her off into her own adult life someday. A life she must live in a very fallen world. I need to keep reminding myself she is God's child and not just mine. Fortunatelly for me she is smart, tough, and funny. This together with her natural beauty and God given faith gives her a real good fighting chance to shine in a tough world. But as any father knows, I'll always be here for her to the best of my abilities.
I've always wondered about the benifits of having a blog and I think this first post helps me to better understand. It is easier for me to post my thoughts than it is for me to express my thoughts (verbally). And with the world's access to this information, I can get the feeling (although it's false) of being world renowned! Look out Brad and comes Greg and Angela!
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