Thursday, March 20, 2008

Who's the monkey?

There's been a debate going on in our house about who's the monkey in this picture. What I mean by that is I've been claiming that I'm the monkey and Angela's the pigeon. That's me implying that I'm the one who's doing the lovin' and she's the one receiving the lovin'. Because that monkey obviously loves that bird! Of course Angela thinks I have it backwards, claiming that I'm the one with less heart. So is it true? Is every couple made up of a "monkey" and a "bird"? And if so, and you're presently in a relationship, which one are you?

Realistically, I might be the bird on the outside....but I'm the monkey in my heart.


Unknown said...

I know that for me, i think im the monkey. Not putting word's in her mouth but I am pretty sure kim would disagree with my claim. Then i need to ask, Can you be both? As human beings I feel we have a need to feel loved and cared for and also a need to be able to give that same feeling back. It's easy to be the pigeon, who doesnt want to receive love. In that photo the monkey is giving the love. Is there another photo of the monkey becoming the pigeon and receiving the love, or is the monkey capable of unconditional love? My Smithopedia describes that type of love as showing love towards someone regardless of his or her actions or beliefs. Is that something we as humans are capable of, giving without receiving? I would like to believe that we are not completely that selfish and we are capable of that. Unfortunately I feel that we are a self preserving race and we do need to be the pigeon in order to be the monkey. So my next question is then how do we overcome that feeling of self preservation and allow ourselves to just let go and be willing to take the risk of truly being the monkey and love without reservation?

Anonymous said...

Dude that awesome! I have to let that absorb for a while, but thanks for putting it out there. That's some deep stuff. It's weird how the "monkey and the bird" gets us right to one of the biggest issues we face as humans, the need and desire to be loved.

Unknown said...

Actually Greg thank you for putting out that original post. I think what you have done here with your blog is not only given yourself an outlet, but you have also allowed all those close to you and all over the world a chance to expand on it. I look forward to your response.

Anonymous said...

Are we capable of loving unconditionally?..I don't think so. Are we only capable of loving when we've been loved first? Maybe.
I know that I have a tendency to distributed my love like I distributed my money. If I thought someone deserved it then I would give it out accordingly. If they were nice, cute, funny, and/or rich, then they would be more apt to receive love from me. I struggle with this natural tendency of mine because scripture teaches me that the mean, ugly, and poor people need love too (not in those exact words). And if these people aren't loved by somebody, then maybe they turn out to be incapable of being able to love someone themself. Maybe that's why God called us to love everyone, even our enemies (even Obama Bin Laden...see how hard it is?) So maybe God's telling us that love feeds off itself. Maybe love fuels love. Maybe God's greatest command is to love Him first because He knows love needs a starting point, and He knows He the author and creator of love.
So to answer your question, I think love is about giving and taking. 50%/50%? Who has time to keep up with that? The best we can do is, from time to time, shake that "monkey" off you back and give him/her a hug too.

Anonymous said...

Angela read my last comment and pointed out that Obama Bin Laden is wrong..I was refering to Osama Bin Ladden. I don't think that was a political Freudian slip. Sorry Barack!

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