Saturday, July 12, 2008


It's 7:45 AM on Saturday morning and I have plans to help a friend move some of his heavy furniture from a storage building to his house in about an hour. So I woke up early with intentions of fixing a pot of coffee and relaxing for awhile in front of the TV, computer, a book, or the pool. Sounds nice doesn't it? A quite house, steam rising off the mug of a freshly poured cup of coffee that's being cradled in a pair of grateful hands. And as many of you know, everything, be it TV, computer, a book, or a chair at the pool, is better with a hot cup of rich coffee! I think I heard an "Amen" out there. But my problem this morning, which is the reason behind me having the hands free to type, is that when I opened the "coffee cabinet" there was only decaf.! Decaf. coffee in the morning is like non-alcoholic tequila on a Friday night in Cancun. The decaffeinated coffee bean is made for caffeine addicts who either "need" a cup of coffee before bed or "need" to drink coffee all day. It's not the way a cup of coffee should be! I feel sorry for those people who are so addicted to coffee that the have to supplement their cravings by tricking their senses of smell, touch, and taste with a product that doesn't do what it is intended to do. Coffee's intent is to put the drug of caffeine into my body. Sure, this drug is capsuled into a hot, fresh, steaming, delicious, all satisfying package. But it's not the drink I need as much as the drug. Because as much as I LOVE my coffee, I'm still sitting here empty handed with two bags of Decaf. sitting in my cabinet. So my Saturday morning turned out far worse than what it could have could have been so beautiful!


Anonymous said...

That story is as good as planning a wonderful trip to New York and packing the kids up at night for the 14 hour drive...all excited that we all sleep through the night...then didnt work out that way at all :) and the more caffine we drank the more we stopped and the more we had to unload everyone! Things seem to never go as planned!!!!

Anonymous said...

Kinda like the institutional general. A form of godliness...but no power. Hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

AMEN to the story about coffee...I've been known to ride to Burger King VERY Early in morning to get coffee to be able to make it to grocery store to to buy coffee. Now, that's bad...

And, another AMEN to "Alive said", I totally agree with Hmmmmm.

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I'm working on making my life not "about me".