Monday, March 10, 2008

Favorite book of the Bible

If I had to pick, I would say my favorite book of the Bible is Ecclesiastes. Every time I look up a reference passage or turn to this book for a quick read, I end up reading the whole book. I don't know if "favorite" is the right word for this attraction because books like Romans, John, Ephesians (and the list goes on and on) all have their own reasons to be my favorite. Maybe I just relate to Ecclesiastes the best. In this book Solomon writes about all his dream chasing. All Solomon's accomplishments and failures (under the sun) are shown to be meaningless! "Meaningless" is the common theme throughout the book. Work, wealth, and pleasures (like wine and food) are things we all chase and based off of Solomon's experiences, we are wasting our time. I don't think Solomon is advising us to give up completely on these goals, but to not pursue these goals as the "missing ingredients" of our lives. He learned that they are not the missing ingredients at all. Rather he found they did not bring true fulfillment, and he had the power and wealth to really put this theory to the test. I relate because I chased these desires myself (and if I'm honest...I still do to some extent). Although the chase itself can be kinda fun, it helps to realise the rewards of work, wealth, and pleasure are not the missing piece of our heart's puzzle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Favorite books of the Bible - man, that is like trying to pick a favorite food - so many are so good. But, I would have to say Nehemiah (what a leader, what a man of prayer, some of the greatest prayers in the Bible are in this book) and Ezekiel (it is hard for me to describe and put it words why this book is so special - maybe that is the reason in itself why it is one of my favorite).

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